Ethiopia-WIDE Regional Workshop

The Department of Social Anthropology, Bahir Dar University, in collaboration with Ethiopia WIDE has organized a regional workshop entitled “Tracking rural change since 1994". The workshop was conducted on 17 May 2019, Homeland Hotel, from 8:30 am to 5:30pm. Ethiopia WIDE is a longitudinal, qualitative and cross-sectional research that has been tracking rural change since 1994 in twenty exemplar rural communities in four regions of the country including Amhara Region. Looking into the interactions of government activities and programmes, intra-community dynamics and broader modernization processes, WIDE has been documenting patterns of change and continuity and how these come about, in different rural communities and for different groups of people living in them. Senior Regional Goverment officials, V/presidents of Bahir Dar University, and regional experts were attended in the workshop. An opening remark was addressed by Dr.Tesfaye Shiferaw, V/President for Research and Community services, Bahir Dar University. Participants were hold discussions on the themes of land use and management and urbanization, rural economies in transition (farm and nonfarm sectors), young people’s transitions with a focus on economic experiences, rural modernization, inequalities and social protection, and gendered transitions in rural Ethiopia. The workshop was concluded by the closing speech made by Gebeyehu Mengesha, V/Dean for Graduate, Research and Community services of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Tue, 05/21/2019
Bahir Dar University