PhD in Geography and Environmental Management

Background and Rationale of the PhD Program

Ethiopia requires interventions to combat the multifaceted problems it has in various forms and in all sectors. For example, rapid population growth, income and development inequalities, migration crisis, land resource degradation, unemployment,  urban pollution, poor waste management, sprawling towns, food insecurity, erratic rainfall, recurrent drought,   ….., are among the many problems the country faced at the present situations. The country in general and the Amhara region in particular is prone to drought and chronic food insecurity partly emanated from poor land management and planning associated problems. Lack of sufficient trained and skilled manpower to meet its national development goal is the major cause for the country’s ineffective use of human and natural resources as well as its underdevelopment.

The faculty of social sciences is one of the recently emerged faculties at Bahir Dar University whose diverse activities include teaching, community services, research and advisory works in the field of social and developmental sciences. Hence, Faculty of social sciences as an academic and research faculty contribute its own part to enhance the development endeavors of the country.In line with the University’s strategic plan, mission and vision, the faculty is aggressively participating in research, teaching and community services to make Bahir Dar University one of the 10th top universities in Africa. Put differently, while the vision of Bahir Dar University is to be one of the 10th leading universities in Africa, Social sciences faculty are contributing for the success of the university’s mission and vision.

Geography and environmental studies department established since 1981 has contributed its own part in teaching, training, research and consultancy. As per the expansion of the university advanced programmes in accordance with the strategic plan of Bahir Dar University and the needs of the programmes, the department of Geography and Environmental Studies launched PhD program with two sub-specializations (Socioeconomic Development Planning and Environment and Natural Resources Management). In other words, the department has launched PhD program to address the needs of the society in the fields of natural resource management, socio-economic planning and development as well as applied and basic research.This could help to promote to the next higher stage of qualification in research, training and consultancy.Opening up of the PhD program also helps to build a semi-autonomous and consolidated center of excellence in environment and socio-economic development studies. Moreover, theme-based problem solving research and consultancy services, promote collaborative seminars and research symposia with domestic and international institutions of higher education and research focused on critical areas of socio-economic development and natural resource management could be the major tasks of the department associated with the launching of the PhD program. Hence, the PhD program in the department of geography and environmental studies is aiming at training highly qualified professionals in the fields of social sciences and environmental streams. Moreover, highly qualified professionals in the area of research, GIS and remote sensing and statistical techniques will be made to achieve the department’s objective.

In general, the need for a Ph.D. program in geography and environmental studies could be stated as:


The establishment of many geography departments in the regional universities;


Meeting the expansion and replacement needs of academic staff in the Department itself, 


The expanding needs for high level geography graduates in various sub-fields of geography and environmental studies such as:


urban, rural, and local (regional) development planning,


population and settlement, including terrain analysis, and land use,


agricultural, industrial, and services development,


environmental utilization and protection,


hydrology, climate, soil, flora and fauna management,


In addition, the Department in particular and the country in general have been experiencing difficulties: 


in registering junior staff abroad for doctoral qualification, because of financial constraints, and


with PhD candidates failing to return to Ethiopia at the end of their studies.

Before launching the PhD program, the department took an intensive and extensive need assessment in many universities and regional offices across Ethiopia. Hence, thedepartment of Geography and Environmental Studies at Bahir Dar University has carried out need assessment in some prominent regional organizations and/or offices such as Amhara, Tigray, Addis Ababa, Oromiya Regional States and  Hareri Region, and four universities (Mekekle University, Addis Ababa University, Haromyia University and Adama University). The need assessment results showed that the demand of such kind of professionals is very high. The report evidenced that in the coming five years different bureaus need substantial numbers of  trained man power in the field of planning and Environmental Management. This encouraging feedback has motivated the department to launch the program.

Admission Requirements 

With regard to prospective candidates for the PhD program in Geography and Environmental management, candidates are expected to meet the following requirement or equivalent conditions.

  • An MA/ MSc Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies, in the fields of Socioeconomic Development Planning, Natural Resources Management, Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Economics, Demography, Development Studies and Disaster Risk Management. Applicants may be required to give a presentation of their thesis, if necessary; andCGPA of 3.0 or above with MA/MSC thesis rated “Very Good” or above. 
  • Applicants are required to submit their own research proposal concept note not more than five pages. It must be aligned with the strategic research goals of the department
  • At least two recommendation letters from her/his previous instructors or concurrent employers
  • Interview, if necessary
  • Entrance examination, if necessary
  • Applicants clearly demonstrated academic excellence in areas relevant to strategic research interests of the department
  • Selection for admission into the program in Geography and Environmental Studies is made on the basis of the candidate’s performance in the entrance examination, letter of recommendation and the MA/MSc measured in terms of cumulative grade point average set above and will be decided by the DGC in the department

Duration of Study


Admission to the PhD program is based on a full time student status. Duration of study should be 4 years with possible extension for maximum of 2 years with strong justification, DGC recommendation and AC approval.


Students readmission policy of the University shall apply in cases of withdrawals due to non-academic reasons

Graduation Requirement 

A student is expected to satisfy all the rules and regulations and ethical standards set by the Office of the Graduate Program of Bahir Dar University. Moreover, the program requires:

  • Completion of all course work of 18 credit hours with a minimum grade of “B” and CGPA of 3.00
  • Successfully defended dissertation
  • A minimum of one published article or submitted article in a reputable journal
  • If a candidate successfully defend his/her dissertation in public and score a minimum of ‘satisfactory’ grade

Degree Nomenclature


The PhD degree to be awarded shall be called Doctor of Philosophy in Geography & Environmental Studies with the specialization mentioned in brackets. Thus;(Doctor of Philosophy in Geography & Environmental Studies (specialization in Socioeconomic Development planning& Environment) (¾õMeõ“ Ê¡ƒ_ƒ Ç=Ó] uÏ*Ó^ò“ ›Ÿvu= Ø“ƒ' eühLò?i” uTIu[-›=¢•T>Á© MTƒ TkÉ“ ›Ÿvu=)




(Doctor of Philosophy in Geography & Environmental Studies (specialization in Environment & Natural Resources Management(¾õMeõ“ Ê¡ƒ_ƒ Ç=Ó] uÏ*Ó^ò“ ›Ÿvu= Ø“ƒ' eühLò?i” u›Ÿvu=“ }ðØaGwƒ ›e}ÇÅ`)

Course Profile

The PhD program is mid-way between course-based and research-based programs. Consequently, a minimum package of course of studies, not exceeding 15 credit hours are delivered. The PhD program in geography and environmental management is composed of two sub-specializations. The first sub specialization is Socioeconomic Development Planning and Environment and the second sub-specialization includes Environment and Natural Resources Management. As far as the distribution of Geography and Environment related skill courses are concerned, a total of 11credit hours are delivered. Courses related to Environment and Natural Resources Management and Socioeconomic Development Planning and Environment each accounts for 4credit hours. Hence, the total courses in each sub-specialization accounts for 15 credit hours.  PhD dissertation alone accounts for 12 credit hours. Including PhD dissertation, the total credit hours for each sub-specialization are determined to be 27 credit hours as shown in the following tables.

Compulsory courses

Course number

Name of courses

Credit hrs

Lab hours

GeES 801

Seminar in Advanced Research Methods in Geography and Environment



GeES 802

Advanced Quantitative Methods and software application in Geography and Environment



GeES 803

Seminar on Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies



GeES 804

Seminar on Geo-Spatial Analysis Techniques in Geography and Environment







* 1 lecture and 2 lab hours 


Sub-specializationcourses related to Socioeconomic Development Planning and Environment 


Course number

Name of courses

Credit hrs

GeES 805

Seminar on Livelihoods, Food Security and Social Protection


GeES 806

Seminar on Urban and Regional Development Policy and Planning


GeES 809

PhD  Dissertation





Sub-specialization courses related toEnvironment and Natural Resources Management 


Course number

Name of courses

Credit hrs

GeES 807

Seminar on Environment and Natural Resource Management


GeES 808

Seminar on Land Use Planning and Management


GeES 809

PhD  Dissertation




