USAID Response Leadership Activity Successful Facilitation Skills Training

Investing in the Future of Disaster Risk Management: USAID Response Leadership Activity Hosts Successful Facilitation Skills Training in Ethiopia

Strengthening Ethiopia's capacity for disaster preparedness and response requires a skilled workforce. The USAID Response Leadership Activity, implemented by Bahir Dar University and 18 partner institutions, took a significant step towards this goal by conducting a facilitation skills training for 27 Fellows’ Trainers of Disaster Risk Management from January 22-27, 2024, in Addis Ababa.

This intensive training equipped project staffs, partner university focal persons, module developers, and potential trainers with the knowledge, skill and tools to deliver engaging and effective training sessions for the upcoming Cohort-2 fellows.

The #USAID - US Agency for International Development funded USAID Response Leadership Activity is a national capacity building program being implemented by Bahir Dar University in partnership with 11 universities and 7 TVET colleges to develop the next generation of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Professionals in Ethiopia. The project has employed 300 fellows to 34 government organizations across the country, where they learn and apply DRM skills and knowledge. By placing 750 fellows over five years, the project is working to fill the urgent human resource needs in the Ethiopian DRM sector.