DR.Derege Tsegaye Meshesha

FULL NAME: Derege Tsegaye Meshesha


OFFICE ADDRESS (Dept. and BLDG/Office No.):Zenzelema office number 04

MOBILE NUMBER (Optional): 0947-886643


E-MAIL ADDRESS: deremesh@yahoo.com




            Year of Degree                                    Degree                                    Institution

            …July 2003 ………                         Geography                            Alemaya University


UNIVERSITY COMMITTEEASSIGNMENTS: (departmental, Faculty, School, College, Institute)

  • (August 4 2015–director of Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Studies)


  • Since July 2015, Soil and water conservation, NARM


Date, name of the journal

  1. Refereed (i.e., peer-reviewed) papers

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., 2012. Continuing land degradation:               Cause-Effect in Ethiopia’s central rift valley. Land degradation and development. 23: 130-143

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M.,Haregeweyn, N., 2011.Spatial analysis           and semi-quantitative modeling of specific sediment yield in six catchments             of the central rift valley of Ethiopia.International Journal of Food,                 Agriculture & Environment 9 (3&4):784-792.

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M.,Haregeweyn, N., 2012.Analysis of the

dynamics and hotspots of soil erosion and its management scenarios: the

Case of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.International journal of sediment

Research 27:  84-99.

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A.,Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., 2013.Land-use change

and its socio-environmental impact in Eastern Ethiopia’s Highland. Regional and Environmental Change14 (2): 757-768.

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E., 2014.Drop

Size Distribution and Kinetic Energy Load of Rainfall Events in the Highlands of the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia.Hydrological Science Journal 59 (12): 2203-2215.

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E.,2014.

Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Variations of Rainfall Erosivity, Case of Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.Theoretical and Applied Climatology.DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1130-2.

Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Tegegne., F., 2015.                               Evaluation of kinetic energy and erosivity potential of simulated

rainfall using Laser Precipitation Monitor. Catena137: 237–243

Haregeweyn, N., Fikadu, G., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M, Meshesha, D.T., 2011.The

dynamics of urban-expansion drivenland use/ land cover change and its

impacts on the small holder framersliving in the urban fringes, a case study

on Bahir Dar Town, NW Ethiopia.Landscape and Urban Planning106:149-157.

Haregeweyn, N.,  Berhe, A., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D.T., 2011.

Integrated Watershed Management as an Effective Approachto Curb Land Degradation: A Case Study of the EnaberedWatershed in Northern Ethiopia.Environmental management 50:1219-1233.

Haregeweyn, N., Melesse, B., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D.T., Balana, B.,

2012. Sedimentation and its management strategies: the case of Angereb reservoir, North-western Ethiopia. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12: 291-305.

Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A.,Tsubo., M.,Meshesha, D.,  Melkie, A., 2013.

Analysis of the invasion rate, impacts and control measuresof Prosopisjuliflora: a case study of Amibara District,Eastern Ethiopia.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3117-3


Haregeweyn, N.,Samuel,T., Tsunekawa, A.,Tsubo, M.,Meshesha, D.T.,Enyew, A.,

Elias, A., 2015. Dynamics of land use and land cover and its effectson hydrologic responses: case study of the GilgelTekezecatchment in the highlands of Northern Ethiopia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-4090-1

Han, L., Weiqi Zhou, W., Li, W., Meshesha, D.T., Li, L.,   Zheng, M., 2015.

Meteorological and urban landscape factors on severe air pollution in Beijing, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2015.1007220.


Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A.,  Tsubo, M.,  Meshesha, D., Adgo, E., Poesen, J.,

Schütt, B., 2015. Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin.Regional Environmental Change.DOI 10.1007/s10113-015-0813-2.

Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Nyssen, J., Poesen, J., Tsubo, M., Meshesha

D.T., Schutt, B., Adgo, E., Tegegne, F., 2015. Soil erosion and conservation in Ethiopia: A review. Progress in Physical Geography doi:10.1177/0309133315598725

  1. Book chapters/ reviews

Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Poesen, J., Tsubo, M.,  Nyssen, J., Vanmaercke,

M., Zenebe,A., Meshesha,D.T., Adgo, E., 2015. Sediment Yield Variability at VariousSpatial Scales and Its Hydrological and Geomorphological Impactson Dam-catchments in the EthiopianHighlands. A book chapter in Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia, World Geomorphological Landscapes,DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_13, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht .


Haregeweyn,N., Gebrekiros, A., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M.,  Meshesha, D.,

Yazew, E., 2011. Performance assessment and adoption status of family drip irrigation system in Tigray State, Northern Ethiopia; A book chapter in Water Conservation, ISBN 978-953-307-960-8.Intech open access publisher, University Campus, STePRiSlavkaKrautzeka 83/A51000 Rijeka, Croatia.


            Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D.,Adgo, E., 2015.

Sedimentation and its mitigation strategies: A case studyof the Ethiopian Highlands. A book chapter in Advances in River Sediment Research – Fukuoka (eds). Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00062-9


Meshesha, D., 2009. Spatial analysis of land uses change and land     

Degradation, VDM Verlag Dr.Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co.KG. ISBN: 9783639167368.Dudweiler Landstr.99, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany.


Meshesha, D., 2012. Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Modelling, LAP  

Lambert Acadamic Publishing. ISBN: 3659258555, 9783659258558.Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,66121, Saarbrücken, Germany.


MSC Thesis: Land use and land cover change detection and land degradation in area between Harer and Dire dawa

PhD Thesis: Spatial analysis of soil erosion and land degradation in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

                       MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS 

My research interest includes modeling of soil erosion, land degradation, vegetation and ecosystem change;understanding the mechanisms of sediment production, transport anddelivery; application of hydrological modeling techniques for understanding of soil and water management practices; applying and developing new instruments to measure character of rainfall, such as, intensity, kinetic energy and erosivity; researching on erodibility and thresholds of different soils.