Research and Innovation Centers

The Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology (EiTEX) restructures its different departments into four centers of Research and innovation (RIC). Each RICcomprised of a team of people that promote collaboration and using best practices around a specific focus area to drive best teaching and learning process supported by strong research background.
The four Research and innovation centers are

1. Center of Reserach and Innovation for Textile Production 

2. Center of Reserach and Innovation for Textile Chemistry 

3. Center of Reserach and Innovation for Apparel Production

4. Center of Reserach and Innovation for Basic Engineering and Science

5. Center of Reserach and Innovation for Leather Processing and Product

Each RICs shall be fully responsible for the administration, use and maintenance of properties, infrastructures and facilities in their respective laboratories;
ResponsibilitiesEach RIC should serve five basic needs:

  • Support: For their area of focus, RIC’s should offer support to the industries in their respected areas. This may be through services needed, or providing subject matter experts, training and consultancy services.
  • Guidance: Standards, methodologies, tools and knowledge repositories are typical approaches to filling this need.
  • Shared Learning: Training and certifications, skill assessments, team building and formalized roles are all ways to encourage shared learning.
  • Measurements: RICs should be able to demonstrate they are delivering the valued results that justified their creation through the use of output metrics.
  • Governance: Allocating limited resources (money, people, etc.) across all their possible use is an important function of RICs. They should ensure organizations invest in the most valuable projects and create economies of scale for their service offering. In addition, coordination across other corporate interests is needed to enable the RIC to deliver value.