Human Rights and Criminal Justice

About the Center for Human Rights and Criminal Justice

The Center for Human Rights and Criminal Justice (CHRCJ) is a newly established center of the Law School. The activities of the CHRCJ are based upon both research and teaching. Its research activities focus on some of the major issues in human rights, criminal justice and the challenging issues that arose by the intersection between the two. The CHRCJ aims to become an internationally renowned research center in human rights and criminal justice.

Its teaching activities focus on providing professional programs and courses as well as short term trainings and outreach programs. It aims to host masters programs in human rights and criminal justice areas including the already running masters program in Human Rights and Criminal Justice. It also provides targeted short term trainings and courses to raise awareness of human rights and justice. Officials and personnel that have direct relationship with the protection and promotion of human rights and the administration of justice at all levels of government like Woreda and Kebele administration officials and the police as well as community elders and leaders are among the main target groups.


  • To pursue innovative and interdisciplinary research in to human rights, crime and justice and to produce state-of-the-art scholarship in these fields;
  • To participate in and contribute to debates on legal reform and policy development in the area of human rights and criminal justice at regional and national levels and beyond;
  • To develop and pursue innovative legal education, capacity building, training and outreach programs; and
  • To encourage and develop researchers in the field of human rights and criminal justice and to provide opportunities for postgraduate students and new career entrants.