Belay Worku Alem


The Highest Educational Qualifications: LL.M

Brief Biography:

Mr. Belay Worku received LL.B degree, B.A degree in major Management minor Accounting and LL.M degree in Business and Corporate Law from Bahir Dar University. He studied his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees here at glorious School of Law. During his undergraduate study, he served as leader in different students’ associations including Bahir Dar University Students’ Union and Bahir Dar University Law Students’ Union. He also diligently delivered free legal aid service to the marginalized section of the society.  Moreover, he worked to strengthen Bahir Dar University Graduates’ Alumni.

He worked as intern and assistant researcher for Inter-African-Group (regional NGO) working for democratization.

At present, he is serving as a full-time lecturer at BDU School of Law offering Business and Economic law courses in regular, extension and distance programs.


Phone : +251-918-741995/918-718468


Research Interest: Business and Economic Laws with particular interest on Tax Law, ADR, International Economic Law and Corporate Law,  Anthropology of Economic Laws, Business Law


List of Publications:

በአማራ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የንግድ ገቢ ግብር አሰባሰብ የሚስተዋሉ የመልካም አስተዳደር ችግሮችና መፍትሄዎች፣ የአብክመ የፍትህ ባለሙያዎች ማሰልጠኛና የህግ ምርምር ተቋም መጽሄት V.2 No. 2፣ 2007 ዓ/ም

Paper Presentation:

The Leadership Role of Trade Unions in Maintaining Industry Peace, Training Arranged by Confederation of Trade Unions of Construction Industry, Ethio-Star Hotel,  Nov 9-13, 2015.

Courses taught:

Law of Traders and Business Organizations, Maritime Law, Law of Insurance, General Property Law, Customary Law, Law of Agency , Legislative Drafting, Law of Extra Contractual Liability, Customary Law