Call for Quality Papers- Bahir Dar University Journal of Law (BDU Journal of Law)

The Bahir Dar University Journal of Law is established in 2010 G.C. under the stewardship of the Bahir Dar University School of Law. The Journal publishes quality papers biannually in July and December every year since 2010. The main aim of the Journal is to create a forum for the scholarly analysis of Ethiopian law and to promote research in the area of the legal system of the country in general. This journal publishes manuscripts that meet intellectual quality. The Journal seeks to publish contributions on both international law and Ethiopian legal science, the justice system and jurisprudence. The Journal also encourages analyses of contemporary legal issues. Quality papers in these areas are highly encouraged. 
The Editorial Committee of the Journal welcomes scholarly articles, notes, reflections, case comments and book reviews from legal scholars, legal practitioners, judges and prosecutors and any legal professional who would like to contribute his/her own share to the betterment of the legal system of Ethiopia and of the world at large. Contributions should be unpublished original work of the author(s).
Manuscript submission:
The Bahir Dar University Journal of Law invites submission of manuscripts in electronic format (Soft copy). The manuscript should be sent in Microsoft Word format as an attachment to; 
All submissions need to be written in an articulate and proficient language either in English or Amharic. Authors who lack good command of the language are encouraged to send their article to language editing prior to submission. 
For further details, please kindly find the author's guideline of the journal here attached below.