Main profile

Anteneh Aweke
PO Box 79
Campus: Main Campus
Block: 87


Mobile: 0918769032

Academic Unit/ Program: Ethiopian Language and Literature - Amharic


Born in Addis Ababa; Schools attended : Elementary in Amha Desta Junior Secondary School; Secondary school in Teferi Mekonen Senior secondary school; BA & MA from Addis Ababa University. Candidate for PhD in the University of South Africa.


        • BA in Amharic Language and Literature
        • MA in Literature
        • PhD Candidate

Current Teaching: Amharic Literature Courses

Research Interest: Amharic Literature and Folklore


I. Referred Journal

‹‹የቃላዊናጽሁፋዊግጥሞችመስተጋብር››(Interaction between Oral and Written Poetry)(To be published in Journal of Ethiopian Studies, soon)

II. Others: ( Article Review, Book Reviews, Book Chapters, Authored books, co-edited

    books etc.)

1. አንተነህአወቀ (2001) ‹‹ያማርኛስነጽሁፍባሳለፍነውሚሊኒየም ›› የአማራሕዝብባህልናቋንቋብርኃንናሰላም


2. አንተነህአወቀ (2001)‹‹የአማርኛስነቃልአጭርቅኝት›› የአማራባህልናቋንቋብርኃንናሰላምማተሚያቤት፡


3. አንተነህአወቀናተስፋዬአበራ(199?) ሃተታልቦለድ፤ሞጁልትምህርትሚኒስቴር፤አዲስአበባ

Ongoing Research Project

“The Representation of Ethiopian Politics in Amharic Novels: 1930 – 2010”(PhD Thesis, University of South Africa).

Professional Association: Society for Eco-Tourism and Bio-Diversity Conservation

Community Engagement

1.Presented a paper, titled <ባህልንልማትላይማዋል (Using Culture for Development” in the 9th

    Regional Cultural and Art Festival organized by the Regional Cultural Bureau in collaboration

    with BDU

2.Paper Presented <ፎክሎርንልማትላይማዋል (Putting Folklore to Use )on the request of the Mecha

   District Culture and Tourism Bureau at Merawi city on the conference organized by Merewa Art


3.Served as Committee member ( as rapporter in the national conference held on the occasion of

    the 7th anniversary of the Ethiopian nations and nationalities day, on Hidar 27 & 28 in Bahir Dar

    town. Supervision Interests:

4.Gave free Editing service for different amateur writers(students, government employees)

5.Gave training for women writers (on creative writing and feminist criticism)

Research Supervision Interests:

I am interested in supervising research works on Literature and Folklore fields MA Theses in Literature and Folklore

Research Presented

1. “Amharic Literature: the Past, the Present and the Future”. A paper presented on the   conference

     held at Bahir Dar Unversity for the Well -coming ceremony for the African Writers, 2003.

2. “Representation of Ethiopian Politics in Amharic Novels: 1930 – 1974” a paper presented on the

      weekly seminar of the Humanities Faculty, 2005.

3. ‹‹አፍአዊየተቃውሞግጥሞች››ባህርዳርመምህራንኮሌጅትምህርትፋኩሊቲየፔዳጎጂትምህርትክፍልያዘጋጅበነበረው


4. ‹‹ስነቃልበስነጽሁፍውስጥ›.በአማርኛትምህርትክፍልወርሃዊሰሚናርላይየቀረበ፡፡

5. ‹‹ፎክሎርንጥቅምላይማዋል››በአማርኛትምህርትክፍሉወርሃዊሰሚናርላይየቀረበ፡፡

6. ‹‹የቃላዊናጽሁፋዊግጥሞችመስተጋብር››ባህርዳርዩኒቨርስቲየፎክሎርትምህርትክፈልባዘጋጀውአገርአቀፍየባህል

     ጥናትኮንፈረንስላይየቀረበ፣ 2005 .. ፡፡

7. ‹‹የኢህአዴግዘመንፖለቲካውክልናበተመረጡየአማርኛረዥምልቦለዶች››በባህርዳርዩኒቨርሲቲሂዩማኒቲስፋኩሊቲ

    ለአማርኛቋንቋናባህልዘርፎችአንደኛውአገርአቀፍአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ፤ 2005 ..፡፡

8. ‹‹ባህልንለልማትማዋል›› የአማራብሄራዊክልላዊመንግስትየባህልቱሪዝማናፓርኮችልማትቢሮከባህርዳርዩኒቨርሲቲ

   ጋርበመተባበርባዘጋጀውክልልአቀፍ 9ኛውየባህልትርኢቶችናየእደጥበበትምርቶችፌሲቲባልላጥየቀረበለ 2004


9. ‹‹የስነቃልፋይዳ›› ሚሊኒየሙንበዓልምክንያትበማድረግየአማራብሄራዊክልላዊመንግስትየባህልቱሪዝማናፓርኮች

    ልማትቢሮከባህርዳርዩኒቨርሲቲጋርበመተባበርባዘጋጀውአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ፤ሀምሌ 2000 ፡፡

10. ‹‹የአማርኛስነጽሁፍአጭርቅኝትባሳለፍነውሚሊኒየም››፤ሚሊኒየሙንበዓልምክንያትበማድረግየአማራብሄራዊ


      የቀረበ፤ሀምሌ 2000 ፡፡

11. ‹‹የግዕዝስነጽሁፍተጽእኖበአማርኛስነጽሁፍ››በባህርዳርዩኒቨርሲቲየግእዝማህበርባዘጋጀውኮንፈረንስላይየቀረበ፤
