Getachew Adamu

FULL NAME---Getachew Adamu

ACADEMIC RANK---Assistant Professor

OFFICE PHONE NUMBER—Department of Mathematics –office No 38


EDUCATION (Start from recent study)


Year of Award

Awarding Institution

Phd in Mathematics


Indian Institute of  Tech. Kanpur

Msc in Mathematics


Addis Ababa University

Bsc In Mathematics


Addis Ababa University







TRAINING (Selected most important trainings)

PUBLICATIONS (Exhaustively list your publications here )

  1. Refereed (i.e., peer-reviewed) papers
  1. Sinha P and Getachew(2009) A THD analysis for slider bearing with roughness: special reference to load generation in parallel sliders. Acta Mechanica,  207, Issue 1,  11
  2. Getachew A and Sinha,P (2011)THD analysis for finite slider bearing with roughness: special reference to load generation in parallel sliders. Acta Mech.222, Issue 1-2,1-15
  3. Getachew,A and Sinha P(2012)Thermal and roughness effects in a tilted pad slider bearing considering heat conduction through the pad and slider. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, Section A: physical sciences. 82, Issue 4, 323-333

RESEARCH INTERESTS (Use few sentences to express your research interest)

  1. Research Interest: Numerical Solution of Thermal effect of  Rough surface Bearings;  
  2. Finite Element method on Fluid Mechanics Problems,

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