Dr. Melkamu Alemayehu

FULL NAME: Melkamu Alemayehu Workie (PhD)

ACADEMIC RANK: Assistant Professor


  • Coordinator, Research and Community Service, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University (January 2014 up to date)
  • Laboratory Manager, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University (December 2012 to December 2013).
  • Coordinator of Horticulture M.Sc. program (September 2012 up to date Since 2014)
  • Course chair, Horticulture  (March 2010 up to date)
  • Head, Department of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University (February 2011 to January 2013)

OFFICE ADDRESS (Dept.  and BLDG/Office No.):

  • Department of Plant Sciences, Zenzelma Campus, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University

OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: +251 58  820 9677

E-MAIL ADDRESS: melkalem65@gmail.com

FAX ADDRESS----------------------------------------



Year of Award

Awarding Institution

PhD in Horticulture


Humboldt University to Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Berlin, Germany

M.Sc. in Horticulture


Humboldt University to Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Berlin, Germany

Diploma in General Agriculture


Jimma Junior College of Agriculture, Jimma, Ethiopia




The Training the Staff Participated:

Title of the Training

Organized by

Duration (….to….)


Training on establishing the environment for improving business performance

Association of Quality Consultants International UK

June 5 to June 8, 2000

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

International Summer School on Environment and Resource Protection

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

July 31 to August 13, 2010

Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Leadership Training of Agents of Change for Agricultural Transformation in Amhara Region


December 19 to December 22, 2011

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Innovation and Participatory Communication

Strengthening Rural Transformation Competences of Higher Education and Research Institutions in Amhara Region (TRANSACT)

May 29 to May 31, 2013

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Tissue Culture and Nursery Management in Horticulture


December 13 to December 22, 2013

CINADCO Shefayim, Israel

Electronic library resources on TEEAL and AGORA

Information Training & Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA) and Cornell University`s Mann Library

November 5 to November 7, 2014

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

International Summer School on Climate Change and Environmental Protection in East Africa

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

August 29 to September 3, 2016

Jimma, Ethiopia


  1. Curriculum modularization committee, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, December 2011, Bahir Dar University
  2. Conference organizing committee member, June 13, 2014,  College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  3. Conference organizing committee member, June 20, 2015,  College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  4. Conference organizing committee member, June 4, 2016,  College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  5. BDU-IUC Project on Postharvest and Food Processing in Northwest Ethiopia, August 2016, Bahir Dar University


  • Fruit Crops Production and Processing, Plsc352 (UG-program)
  • Vegetable Crops Production and Management, Plsc351 (UG- program)
  • Floriculture and Landscaping (E), Plsc251 (UG – program)
  • Coffee, Tea and Spice Crops Production and Processing, Plsc252 (UG-program)
  • Vegetable Crops Production and Management, Plsc2063 (UG-program)
  • Horticultural Crop Production and Value Addition, Plsc1322 (UG-program)
  • Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Crops,  Plsc353 (UG-program)
  • Advanced Vegetable Crops Production and  Management, Hort622 (PG-program)
  • Advanced Fruit Crops Production and Management, Hort624 (PG-program)
  • Horticultural Crop Pests and their Management, Hort613 (PG-program)
  • Graduate Seminar in Horticulture, Hort733 (PG-program)
  • Current topics in Horticulture, Hort731 (PG-program)
  • PhD Seminar II in Agronomy, Agrn8054 (PhD Agronomy program)
  • Stress Physiology and Management in Crop Plants, Agrn8015 (PhD Agronomy program)


  1. Ethiopian Horticulture Society
  2. Society for ECO-Tourism and Bio Diversity Conservation

PUBLICATIONS (Exhaustively list your publications here )

  1. Refereed (i.e., peer-reviewed) papers
  2. Melkamu Alemayehu and Getachew Alemayehu (2017): Study on alternative technologies for the production of tomato during the rainy season in sub-humid climate of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 10(1) 1- 16
  3. Tadele Yeshiwas, Melkamu Alemayehu  and  Getachew  Alemayehu (2015): Effects of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) and Stem Cuttings on Growth of Stenting-Propagated Rose in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11(4): 191-197
  4. Yenus Ousman Kemal and Melkamu Alemayehu Workie (2015): Effects of Nitrogen Inhibitors and Slow Nitrogen Releasing Fertilizers on Crop Yield, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Mitigation of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emission, Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences 1(2): 108-120
  5. Kiflemariam Yehuala Belachew, Melkamu Alemayehu Workie (2015). Base Substrate Sorghum Supplied with Nitrogen Additive Enhanced the Proliferation of Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Fr.) Kummer) Mushroom Spawn Mycelium. International Journal of Science and Research 4(3): 431-436.
  6. Agegnehu Shibabaw and Melkamu Alemeyehu (2015). The Contribution of Some Soil and Crop Management Practice on Soil Organic Carbon Reserves: Review. Journal of Advances in Agriculture 3(3), 270-277
  7. Mahesh, S., Tadesse Dessalegn, Melkamu Alemayehu (2013). Evaluation of Photosynthetic Microbial Fuel Cell for Bioelectricity Production. Indian Journal of Energy 2(4): 116-120
  8. Krebs, B., Hoeding, B, Kuebart, S., Alemayehu Workie, M., Junge, H., Schmiede Knecht, G., Grosch, R., Bochow, H., Hevesi, M. (1998).  Use of Bacillus subtilis as Bio-control Agent. I. Activities and Characteristics of Bacillus subtilis Strains. Journal of Plant Disease and Protection 105(2): 181-197, ISSN 03040-8159
  9. Bochow, H., Dolej, S., Fischer, I., Melkamu A. (1995). Plant Health Promoting Effects by Bacillus subtilis and its mode of Action. PP. 549-554.  In. LYR, H.; RUSSELL, P.; SISLER, H. D. (eds). Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds. Intercept Ltd, Andover, Hampshire UK
  • Alemayehu, M.; Bochow, H.; MAHER, T. (1992):- Laboratory investigations for the effect of fungicides on growth, sporulation and trapping organ formation of nematode-trapping fungi. In Mitteilung der Biologishen Bundesanstalt
  1. Book chapters/ reviews
  • Melkamu Alemayehu (2015): Ethiopian Highlands: Home of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L), p 58-65.  In: Tropical lakes in a changing environment: water, land, biology, climate and humans.  Nyssen, J., Enyew Adgo and Mekete Dessie  (eds): 81 pages
  1. Books authored/Books edited.
  • Melkamu Alemayehu (1998). Untersuchungen über Vorkommen und Bedeutung Auxin- und Cytokinin-aktiver Stoffwechselprodukte bei phytosanitär wirksamen Bacillus-subtilis-Isolaten (German), Published by Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, Germany. ISBN 10: 3860647199 / ISBN 13: 9783860647196 (Investigation on the Occurrence and Significance of Auxin- and Cytokinin active metabolic products in Plant Health Promoting Bacillus subtilis Isolates). In: www.amazon.com/Untersuchungen-Vornamen...Auxin.../3860647199
  • Melkamu Alemayehu (1992). Laboratory Investigations for the effect of fungicides on growth, sporulation and trapping organ formation of nematode-trapping. M.Sc. Thesis. Humboldt University to Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • Melkamu Alemayehu (Ed.) (2016). Agriculture and Environmental Management for Sustainable Development. Proceeding of the 2nd Annual National Conference  of the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, June 19-20, 2015, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  1. Thesis
  • Tadele Yeshiwas, Melkamu Alemayehu  and  Getachew  Alemayehu (2014): Effects of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) and Stem Cuttings on Growth of Stenting-Propagated Rose in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Masho Aklile, Melkamu Alemayehu, Getachew Alemayehu (2015). Performance of Released Tomato Varieties During Dry Season Under Irrigation in Mecha District of West Gojam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Muluken Yayeh , Melkamu Alemayehu, Getachew Alemayehu (2015). Effects of Preservative Solutions on the Vase Life of Cut Roses in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Shege Getu, Melkamu Alemayehu, Amare H. Silasie (2015). Assessment of Garlic Production Practices and Effects of Different Rates of NPS Fertilizer on Yield And Yield Components of Garlic (Allium sativum L) Under Irrigated Farming System in Yilmana Densa District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Muluneh Nigatu, Melkamu Alemayehu, Amare H. Silasie (2015). Assessment of Onion Production Practices and Effects of NPS Fertilizers Rates on Yield and Yield Components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Under Irrigated Farming System in Dembiya District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Demoz Kidane, Melkamu Alemayheu, Amare H. Silasie (2015). Assessment of Production Practices and Effect of NPS Rates on Yield and Yield Components of Head Cabbage (Brassica oleracea Var. Capitata) Under Irrigation Conditions in Lay Armachio District, Amhara Region, Ethiopa,  M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University
  • Mekides Mekashaw, Melkamu Alemayehu, Amare H. Silasie (2016). Assessment of Farmer’s Production Practices and Effects of Different Rates of NPS Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Variety Under Irrigated Farming System in Dessie Zuria District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, M.Sc. thesis, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University


  • Survey on the major constraints of horticultural crop production and suggest possible agronomic and policy interventions
  • Increasing production and productivity of horticultural crops under smallholder farming conditions through implementing improved agronomic practices
  • Reduction of postharvest losses through introducing and promoting improved postharvest handling practices of horticultural crops
  • Promotion of protected cultivation of vegetable crops


  • Team work in solving the problems of horticultural crop production