Belayneh Admasu


Sex: Male

Nationality: Ethiopian

Date of Birth: 3 December 1974

Place of Birth: Amhara Region



LLM in Criminal Law

Education Information

Elementary Education in Sebeta-merha Ewran Boarding Elementary School Grade One-Eight from 1984-1990.

High School Education in Minilik II Secondary School Grade 9-12 from 1991-1994.

University Education LL.B in Laws from Addis Ababa University from 1995-1999.

LL.M in Criminal in Laws from Amsterdam University 2005/07.

Employment Information

I served as zonal and regional public prosecutor from 2000-2005

 I served as the head of Legal Research and Criminal Departments in the Amhara Justice Bureau from 2007-2009

In due course, I engaged in:

v  Deciding Criminal and Civil case,  

v  Training judges, public prosecutors, police and other partners on different legal matters like Law of Persons, General Contract and Law of sales and Security Devices, Criminal Law, Human Right etc.

v  Conducting and coordinating research activities regarding various legal issues like perjury and false witness, implementation of Pardon and its effectiveness in the Amhara Region etc.

I have been serving as law instructor in the rank of Lecturer and Assistant Professor at Bhair Dar University School of Law from 2009 since now.

Contact Address                                            

Phone No: +251-918-76722

P. O. Box: 5001

Email: or or

Area of Research Interest: Criminal Law and Criminal Justice; Human Rights particularly on the vulnerable groups’ rights like the rights of women, children, persons with disability, and other related subject matters.

List of Publications:


Author’s Name

Title of Publication (s)

Name of Book/Text Book/Journal

Vol. & No./ Publisher

Year of Publication


Belayneh Admassu

Legal Protection Accorded  to Persons with Disabilities under Ethiopian Law

Bahir Dar University Law Journal

Vol. 3, No.2,Pp. 298-343

ISSN 2306-224X

Addis Ababa University Press




Belayneh Admassu and Muluneh Worku


Journal of ANRS Justice Bureau

Vol.1, No.3, Pp. 77-133

Serawit Printing Press









Belayneh Admassu


 Journal of ANRS Justice Bureau

Vol. 1 No. 3 Pp. 49-63.

Serawit Printing Press


Belayneh Admassu




 Journal of ANRS Justice Bureau

Vol.2 Pp. 41-49

Serawit Printing Press


Paper presentations:

v  የሴቶች መብት በኢትዮጵያ፡ ህጉና አፈፃፀሙ በአማራ ክልል

v  በህፃናትና ሴቶች ላይ የሚፈፀሙ ጎጅ ልማዳዊ ድርጊቶች በኢትዮጵያ የወንጀል ህግ

v  የአካል ጉዳተኞች መብት በአለምአቀፍ እና በኢትዮጵያ ህጎች ያላቸው ቦታ እና አፈፃፀም በጠቅላላው (በተለያዩ አውደጥናቶች የቀረቡ)

v  ወላጆቻቸውን በኤችአይቪ ኤድስ ያጡ ህፃናት መብት በአለምአቀፍ እና በኢትዮጵያ ህጎች

v  Domestic Violence Against Women: A case of Bahir Dar city administration

v  The Place of Restorative Justice under the Ethiopian Modern Criminal Justice System

v  Children’s Rights in Light of  International Legal Instruments and Ethiopian Laws:  The Problems Encountered for Implementation in Amhara Region

v  Causes of Intentional Homicide in Amhara Region

v  The Right of Women to Equal Pay for Equal Work and its Implementation in Amhara Region: the Case of the Construction Sector  (presented jointly with Temesgen Sisay)

Courses taught:

vCriminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology, Restorative Justice, Comparative Criminal Justice Policy  (graduate and post graduate programs),

v Evidence Law,  Legislative Drafting, Legal Profession and Ethics, Construction Contract Law,