History Heritage and Culture

Background and Justification

Amhara region in general and Bahir Dar Area, where Bahir Dar University is located, in particular is characterized by great diversity and complexity. It is rich in historical, cultural and heritage attraction in one hand and yet is one of the least studied and explored areas of the country on other. The existing literature in history, heritage, culture, land tenure system, ethnic interaction and cooperation, ethnic resolution and prevention mechanisms, Drought, Famine, resettlement gender relations Christian and Muslim Art, Epidemics and Traditional Medical Practices, Indigenous knowledge systems and practices and Traditional medical systems and others lack deeper analysis, background and context. Rather, they have a top-down perspective and tend to be impressionistic and partisan views. The Faculty of Social Sciences is, therefore, establishing research centers to provide a comprehensive and through research study in the region under by grouping staffs of each programmes respective of their specialization.


The main objectives of making research groups is to make contribution and discussion on the examination of the contexts and dynamics of history, culture, economy ,tradition, gender and ethnic conflicts and relation in the region. Making research groups is also important in producing authoritative, objective and complete works than researches on individual bases.


In any research to investigate new field of study, one must make series of decisions .One of these is the decision of choice between qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The choice between the two research methods is important because they reflect entirely different research philosophies. Accordingly, given the overall research objective of the faculty, we will employ both methods. Top this end the faculty in history, heritage and anthropology programmes has staffs who have specialized, researched, wrote and published on a number of issues.

Potential Thematic Research Areas and Projects

Below are potential areas of study under Social Anthropology, and History and Heritage Management programmes.

1.   Documenting and preserving of cultural, historical and heritage attraction

2.  Assessing, identifying and developing potential tourist attractions in Amhara Region

3.   Promoting the history, culture and   life of different communities in Amhara Region

4.   Studying the features and characteristics of agriculture in Amhara region.

5.   Identifying peoples and ethnic interaction and cooperation

6. Identification of potential conflicts, including resolution and prevention mechanisms

7. Study on Drought, Famine and Resettlement

8. Current Land Policy Issues in Ethiopia

9. Study in peopling and infrastructure

10. Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food

11. Farm and Livestock Systems

12. Land Tenure and Taxation System

13. Women and Agriculture

14. Christian and Muslim Art

15. Epidemics and Traditional Medical Practices

16. Indigenous knowledge systems and practices

17. Traditional medical systems

Research Group Leaders



Educational Qualification



Research   Experience and Research Interest



Temesgen Gebeyehu


Assistant Professor

Political History, Land Tenure, Agriculture.

History, Heritage, agriculture, ethnic interaction and cooperation; Drought, Famine and Resettlement ;

Land Tenure and Livestock Systems

Gender relations

PhD Fellow


Fantahun Ayele


Assistant Professor





Endris Jafer


