Mr. Tadele Yeshiwas Tizazu


1.Personal Information

Name: Tadele YeshiwasTizazu.


Institution Address:

Bahir Dar University College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Department of plant science, Bahir Dar,Ethiopia.

Tel: +251-582200601

Fax: +251-582200602

P.O.Box: 5501, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Personal Addresses:

Mobile: +251-921278801.      

Nationality: Ethiopian.

Date of Birth: 12 September 1988 G.C

Gender: Male.                

Qualification:BSc.and Horticulture

Place of birth:Adet town, kebele 02.

Region: Amhara.

Marital status: Married



2. Educational Back Ground:

1998 -2003EG.CElementary and Junior School at  adet (1-8th)

2004- 2005 G.C:Adet  Secondary School (9-10th)

2005- 2006 G.C: Merawi Secondary and Preparatory School (11-12th)

2007- 2010G.C: BSc. Degree in Horticulture, at Jimma University College of Agriculture and   Veterinary Medicine Jimma, Ethiopia.

2012-2013/14 G.C.:  MSc. Degree in Horticultureat Bahir Dar University College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

3. Principal subjects and practical skills covered

Principal courses and skills covered

During BSc. Study from  Jimma University

During MSc. Study from Bahir Dar University

Plant Physiology,

 Plant Anatomy and Morphology,

Temperate Fruit crop production and management,

Tropical and subtropical fruit crop production and management,

Principles and practices of Plant propagation, 

Vegetable crop production and management,  Root and tuber crops production,

Green house operation and management ,

Biometry, Statics, Research methods,

Plant genetics, plant breeding, Plant biotechnology,

Horticultural crop post-harvest physiology and technology

Soil science , Soil and plant nutrition, Irrigation and drainage,

Ornamental plants production and management

Coffee production and processing,

Plant Entomology, Plant pathology,  weed science,

coffee production and management,

Tea production and processing.

Medicinal plants production, agricultural microbiology,

Horticultural seed science and technology,

 Intern- ship Horticulture, Community based program (practical), Practical attachment.

Urban and Peri -urban horticulture,

Rural Sociology and agricultural extension, Agricultural marketing,

collage writing skill,




Advanced Plant Physiology,

Advanced Fruit crop production and management

Advanced Horticultural crop propagation and nursery management

Advanced Post-harvest Handling and Marketing of Horticultural crops

Advanced vegetable crop production and management


Advanced Biometry and Soft wear application

Advanced soil and plant nutrition

Advanced Horticultural crop breeding and biotechnology

Advanced Floriculture crop production and land Scaping

Advanced Horticultural crop pests and their management

Advanced Vegetable seed production technology

Current topics in horticulture

Graduate seminar in horticulture

MSC. Thesis.





4. Personal skills and competences.

5.1. Languages:






Amharic(Mother tongue)











5.2. Computer skills and Competences Certification.

Excellent in Basic computer skills (MS-word, MS-Powerpoint,Excel etc.)- certified

Excellent in Statistical software usage (SAS ,SPSS) –certified

Excellent in Data analysis with descriptive statistics, such as graphs, cross tabulations etc.

Familiar with developing action plans, writing proposals and research results and prepare progress reports.

Team work, seeking information on current science in the country and worldwide in general.

6. International Training Participation and Certification

1 .In the year 20012 G.C: One month training in India, Palampoure, CSIR (Institute of HimalalayanBioresourseThecnology) about various aspects of agro and processing technology of horticultural crops, plant tissue culture, floriculture crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and tea production and processing aspects. 



7. Domestic Training Participations and Certification of Recognation

In the year 2013 G.C: Certificate of participation on crop agronomy and protection training program organized by Ethioagri-CEFT plc.

In the year 2010 G.C: Certificate of Participation on Farm Management training program organized by EthioAgri-CEFT plc. 

In the year 2017 G.C: Certification of recognition from Bahir Dar University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, for the professional service provided on concept not development to land acquisition for research, demonstration and community service.

8. Research and Pepper Review Experience

Senior seminar paper (2008): Research Review on some selected fruit crop (Apple, Banana, peach, and grape) disease and managements.

3-month Practical training (2009):Research experience sharing about Banana variety adaptation trial at Adet Agricultural Research Center.

Senior seminar paper (2013): A research review on the control methods of mango powdery mildew diseases.

Senior Research Project (2009): Evolution of different concentration IBA hormone on rooting capacity of carnation flower (diantuscryophyllous) soft wood cutting.

Current topic in Horticulture: current production status of floriculture industry in Ethiopia.

MSc. Thesis: Effect of Indol butyric acid (IBA) and stem cutting on growth of stenting propagated cut Rose in Bahir dar, Ethiopia


9. Conferences and Seminar pepper presentation and participation

1.Research Pepper presentation and Participated in the 2nd Annual National Conference on Agriculture and Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, June 19-20, 2015 Organized by Bahir Dar University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sceince, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

2. Participated In the 6th Annual National Research Symposium, research for unfolding the mystic realities of our community, March 28 and 29, 2015 Organized by Debre Markos University.

10. External Funded Research Project Coordinating Experience 

Staring from November, 2016- June, 2017: I was in charge of Project coordinator of Agro –BIG funded research entitled with evaluation of different potato Variety and NPS fertilizer rate and farm yard manure which are doing at Mewari and fogera area.

11. Community Service Experience

In the year of 2016 at Merawi district, kollela Keble, demonstration of low cost improved potato post-harvest handling technologies funded by the Bahir Dar University.

Promotion of improved apple varieties farmers living around birr adama.

Projoect proposal development for Merawi research and demonstration land Requesting.

12. Scientific Research Publication;

1.Tadele,Melkamu and Getachew (2015): Effect of Indol butyric acid (IBA)and stem cutting on growth

of stenting propagated rose ,Bahir Dar,Ethiopia ,World  Journal of Agricultural Science 11(4):191-197.



13. Bahr Dar University Funded researches and completed

Performance Evaluation of Different Varieties of Tomatoes under Growing Structure (Poly Tunnel) during Main Rainy Season in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Assessment, Demonstration and Evaluation of model home garden system in Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia

Evaluation of tomato varieties for stem cutting propagation technique under Bahir Dar conditions 

Effect of NPS fertilizer Rate on Seed Yield of Onion (Adama Red) at Koga Irrigation Scheme, Merawi distirict, Ethiopia

Performance Evaluation of Different Varieties of Tomatoes under Growing Structure (Poly Tunnel) during Main Rainy Season in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

14. Work Experience

1.Since September  25/2015 to date;

Head, of plant science and horticulture department, Lecturerand researcher at Bahir Dar University, College of Agriculture & Environmental science, Department of Plant Science and Horticulture, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Main Activities and Responsibilities at The College:

Offering horticulture courses (Fruit crop production and management, Floriculture and landscaping etc.)

Conducting problem solving Research, providing community services and trainings for communities

Supervising, advising and consulting of regular under graduate and post graduate students

Delegating managing plant sciences departmentsandreporting the major tasks conducted under the department

2.From February  01/2015 to September 25/2015

Lecturer  at Debere Markose University, College of Agriculture & Natural Resourse, DebereMarkose,Ethiopia,

Main Activities and Responsibilities at The College:

Offering  Horticulture courses under Horticulture Department

Conducting research and developing community services and trainings for communities of the districts

Supervising, advising and consulting regular students

Involved in different committee members in the department and the college



3.From July 12/2011 to February 30 /2015;


Production Manager at EthioAgri-CEFT PLC, Flower ,Fruit and vegetable Farm, Bahir Dar,Ethiopia

Main Activities and Responsibilities at the Farm


Preparation of production schedules like Fertigation program, Chemical spraying program

Involved in different committee members in the farm

Supervising, advising and consulting greenhouse supervisors and pack house supervisors as well as greenhouse  labourers

Conducting research on flower shelf life

Provide trainings for green house supervisors and green house  labourers about cultural practices

Providing training for fruit crop and vegetable supervisors at the farm




15. Personal interests 

Searching new events in my day to day activities

Reading different books (Research reviews , and journals),

Reading newspaper, magazine,  and internet searching

Continue Education

Enjoy all sports particularly Foot ball, running.

Admiring nature, landscape designing


16. Academic References(Contact persons)

MelkamuAlemayehu(PhD, Associate Professor in Horticulture): lecturer, seiner researcher and coordinator for research and community service at Bahir Dar University, collage of agriculture and environmental science

Cell phone: +251-911406594.


Yiehenew G/Selassie, (PHD, Associate Professor in soil science) lecturer, seiner researcher and coordinator of CASCAPE project, Bahir Dar University, Collage of Agriculture and    Environmental science.

Cell phone: +251-918765823


2.SolomoneAddisu(PhD, Assistant Professor in NARM):Dean, lecturer and seiner researcher in Bahir Dar University, Collage of Agriculture and    Environmental science

Cell phone: +251-911041030
